Arkansas Physical Therapy Association: This course has been approved by the Arkansas APTA for 7.5 contact hours. Approval APTA-AR #2504
All Available Rehab Education Courses
H1UETendInjUpdate AR PT 21632
Arkansas Physical Therapy Association: This course has been approved by the Arkansas APTA for 15 contact hours. Approval #APTA-AR 2303
W4TxCPZooms AR-PT 14329
Arkansas Physical Therapy Association: This course has been approved by the Arkansas APTA for 10 contact hours. Approval #APTA-AR 2021
L4TxCP AR-PT 14327
Arkansas Physical Therapy Association: This course has been approved by the Arkansas APTA for 14.5 contact hours. Approval #APTA-AR 2020
H4PedFlexTend AR-PT 14321
Arkansas Physical Therapy Association: This course has been approved by the Arkansas APTA for 5 contact hours. Approval #APTA-AR 2019
HL10ShoulderDysfunction AR-PT 14314
Arkansas Physical Therapy Association: This course has been approved by the Arkansas APTA for 12 contact hours. Approval #APTA-AR 2018
L10ScrapeTapeCupGlideUE AR-PT 14304
Arkansas Physical Therapy Association: This course has been approved by the Arkansas APTA for 14 contact hours. Approval #APTA-AR 2017
HL4PedsHTOHybridLiveLab AR-PT 14213
Arkansas Physical Therapy Association: This course has been approved by the Arkansas APTA for 15.5 contact hours. Approval #APTA-AR 2016
Arkansas Physical Therapy Association: This course has been approved by the Arkansas APTA for 15 contact hours. Approval #APTA-AR 2015
L10IASTMb AR-PT 14204
Arkansas Physical Therapy Association: This course has been approved by the Arkansas APTA for 13.5 contact hours. Approval #APTA-AR 2014
L4AdvPedsUE AR-PT 14202
Arkansas Physical Therapy Association: This course has been approved by the Arkansas APTA for 13 contact hours. Approval #APTA-AR 2013
W4BPBIx0to3 AR-PT 14200
Arkansas Physical Therapy Association: This course has been approved by the Arkansas APTA for 16.5 contact hours. Approval #APTA-AR 2012
Arkansas Physical Therapy Association: This course has been approved by the Arkansas APTA for 7.5 contact hours. Approval #APTA-AR 2011
Arkansas Physical Therapy Association: This course has been approved by the Arkansas APTA for 15 contact hours. Approval #APTA-AR 2010
H1TxTendonitisHybridZoom AR-PT 13319
Arkansas Physical Therapy Association: This course has been approved by the Arkansas APTA for 7.5 contact hours. Approval #APTA-AR1978
L1TWP2d2022-AR PT
Arkansas Physical Therapy Association: This course has been approved by the Arkansas APTA for 15 contact hours. Approval #APTA-AR1977
HL7KinesioFoundations – AR PT – 13301
Arkansas Physical Therapy Association: This course has been approved by the Arkansas APTA for 20 contact hours. Approval #APTA-AR1975
H1TxPainHTHybridOnlinewZoom – AR PT 13309
Arkansas Physical Therapy Association: This course has been approved by the Arkansas APTA for 8 contact hours. Approval #APTA-AR1976
L1TWP2d2022-AR PT -13312
Arkansas Physical Therapy Association: This course has been approved by the Arkansas APTA for 15 contact hours. Approval #APTA-AR1977